lunes, 18 de febrero de 2013

This is for my dear students 11A-B-C


1. Ordene en una secuencia lógica los componentes siguientes, de modo de
conformar oraciones simples coherentes:
-  was going              the group       to the movies       tonight
 -  working                  had been       very hard             Mr. Miller
 -  a book                    wrote             a book                 They
 -  excellent job           has done       This student        a really
 -  could have been    a doctor          My father             in the army
572)  Traduzca al castellano las expresiones siguientes:
1. They had actually become the best doctors in the city.
 2. We really missed our children during their vacation.
 3. He has found a very nice restaurant in the park.
 4. Our friends like to enjoy a good walk through the woods.
 5. Broken promises do not help to build a good friendship.
 6. The boys rode on the back of his red pickup truck.
 7. Those working men were talking and laughing very loudly.
 8. All its mistakes had been forgiven by the end of the year.
 9. She saw that hidden paper money only once, last month.   
10. Take mine to the back room and then call my teacher.
3)  Traduzca al castellano las oraciones siguientes:
1. He answered the door when they came to visit us.
 2. Their grandfather knew the answer to their question.
 3. To find the answer she investigated a lot in the library.
 4. Listen to me! I need your help now before it is too late.
 5. I would like to thank you and your children for the effort.
 6. Speaking of the devil... Look who is here! It is Fred!
 7. Fire! Fire! A fire broke in the store-room! Help me!
 8. What can we do? The bank actually made us close our business.
 9. His dad learned to count before he learned to read and write.
10. These working men have been here since Tuesday afternoon.
4)  Redacte 10 oraciones los tiempos presente simple, pasado simple, futuro inmediato, futuro lejano, presente progresivo, pasado progresivo, presente perfecto, pasado perfecto

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