lunes, 25 de febrero de 2013

Hello students 7C-7D

 This one is our topic of this week


Q1 - ____ two.
There is                            There are

Q2 - There ____ a lot of people coming.
is                                       are

Q3 - There ____ a lot of water on the carpet.
is                                      are

Q4 - There ____ a lot of noise coming from next door.
is                                       are

Q5 - There ____ a lot of traffic in the rush hour.
are                                     is

Q6 - There ____ only one possible answer.
is                                       are

Q7 - There ____ two possible answers.
is                                        are
Either could be used here.
Q8 - There ____ never enough time to finish it.
is                                         are

Q9 - There ____ some people to see you.
are                                      is

Q10 - There ____ nobody there.
is                                        are

Q11 - There ____ little information available.
are                                      is

Q12 - There _____ little time left.
is                                        are

Q13 - There ____ no time like the present.
are                                      is
Q14 - There ____ some stuff left.
is                                        are
Q15 - There _____ much to say on the subject.

are                                                  is

lunes, 18 de febrero de 2013

This is for my dear students 11A-B-C


1. Ordene en una secuencia lógica los componentes siguientes, de modo de
conformar oraciones simples coherentes:
-  was going              the group       to the movies       tonight
 -  working                  had been       very hard             Mr. Miller
 -  a book                    wrote             a book                 They
 -  excellent job           has done       This student        a really
 -  could have been    a doctor          My father             in the army
572)  Traduzca al castellano las expresiones siguientes:
1. They had actually become the best doctors in the city.
 2. We really missed our children during their vacation.
 3. He has found a very nice restaurant in the park.
 4. Our friends like to enjoy a good walk through the woods.
 5. Broken promises do not help to build a good friendship.
 6. The boys rode on the back of his red pickup truck.
 7. Those working men were talking and laughing very loudly.
 8. All its mistakes had been forgiven by the end of the year.
 9. She saw that hidden paper money only once, last month.   
10. Take mine to the back room and then call my teacher.
3)  Traduzca al castellano las oraciones siguientes:
1. He answered the door when they came to visit us.
 2. Their grandfather knew the answer to their question.
 3. To find the answer she investigated a lot in the library.
 4. Listen to me! I need your help now before it is too late.
 5. I would like to thank you and your children for the effort.
 6. Speaking of the devil... Look who is here! It is Fred!
 7. Fire! Fire! A fire broke in the store-room! Help me!
 8. What can we do? The bank actually made us close our business.
 9. His dad learned to count before he learned to read and write.
10. These working men have been here since Tuesday afternoon.
4)  Redacte 10 oraciones los tiempos presente simple, pasado simple, futuro inmediato, futuro lejano, presente progresivo, pasado progresivo, presente perfecto, pasado perfecto

domingo, 17 de febrero de 2013

Hello my dear students 10A-B-C


The Past Perfect expresses the idea that something occurred before another action in the past. It can also show that something happened before a specific time in the past.
·       had never seen such a beautiful beach before I went to Kauai.
·       I did not have any money because I had lost my wallet.
·       Tony knew Istanbul so well because he had visited the city several times.
·       Had Susan ever studied Thai before she moved to Thailand?
·       She only understood the movie because she had read the book.
·       Kristine had never been to an opera before last night.
·       We were not able to get a hotel room because we had not booked in advance.
·       A: Had you ever visited the U.S. before your trip in 2006?
B: Yes, I had been to the U.S. once before.
  • We had had that car for ten years before it broke down.
  • By the time Alex finished his studies, he had been in London for over eight years.
  • They felt bad about selling the house because they had owned it for more than forty years.
  • She never saw a bear before she moved to Alaska. Not Correct
  • She had never seen a bear before she moved to Alaska. Correct
·         Simple Past / Present Perfect / Past Perfect
Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses, then click the "Check" button to check your answers
1.    When I (arrive) _________________ home last night, I discovered that Jane (prepare) ________________________a beautiful candlelight dinner. 

2.        Since I began acting, I (perform) _______________ in two plays, a television commercial and a TV drama. However, I (speak, never even) _________________ publicly before I came to Hollywood in 1985

3.        By the time I got to the office, the meeting (begin, ______________ without me. My boss (be) _______________ furious with me and I be) _________________ fired

4.        When I (turn) ______________ the radio on yesterday, I (hear) _______________ a song that was popular when I was in high school. I (hear, not) ______________ the song in years, and it (bring) ________________ back some great memories.

5. Last week, I (run) _____________ into an ex-girlfriend of mine. We (see, not) _____________ each other in years, and both of us (change) _______________ a great deal. I (enjoy) _________________ talking to her so much that I (ask) __________________ her out on a date. We are getting together tonight for dinner

6.When Jack (enter) _______________ the room, I (recognize, not) ______________ him because he (lose) ___________ so much weight and (grow) ________________ a beard. He looked totally different! 

7. The Maya established a very advanced civilization in the jungles of the Yucatan; however, their culture (disappear, virtually) _______________ by the time Europeans first(arrive) ________________ in the New World

8. I (visit) ______________ so many beautiful places since I (come) ________________ to Utah. Before moving here, I (hear, never) _________________ of Bryce Canyon, Zion, Arches, or Canyonlands

For my students 7C-D

Hello everyone  Please take in account this file and describing your house HOW TO DESCRIBE THE HOUSE

It is on the main street, it's not so big but it is very comfortable
. it has a green front yard with some roses
.the front door and the garage door are blue.
inside the house, the living room is very big with pale green walls and a nice yellow couch.
the kitchen is not big. it has a nice stove and a very small round table for 6.
it doesn't have a pool or an office, but it has nice and big rooms, so i study there.
the house has 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms
my bedroom is blue with yellow curtains. it has a black desk and chair where i study and sometimes read.
The house has a garage
the house has a kitchen
the house has a living room
The house has an office
the house has a family room
the house has a back door
the house has a pool
The house has big windows.
the house has of space and room.
The house has a closet
the house has attic
the house has wood floors
the house has carpet
the house has a back porch

martes, 5 de febrero de 2013

Hello my dear students 11th and 10th degree (2013)

Hello eveyone these are some rulers to pronounce PAST TENSE,PAST PARTICIPLE And adjectives


Pronunciation of ED

Past Tense, Past Participles and Adjectives
ED appears at the end of regular verbs in the past tense (e.g. wanted, helped, lived) sometimes inadjectives ending in ED (e.g. tired, embarrassed, relaxed) as well as in some Past Participles.
However the pronunciation of ED sometimes causes problems for non-native speakers because it can be pronounced in three different ways: as / id /, as / t / or as / d /
(Note: whenever you see letters or symbols between two slash marks (/ /), it refers to the pronunciation of that letter or sound)
Before we learn the difference ways to pronounce ED, we must first know what voiced and voiceless consonants are:
Voiced Consonants vs. Voiceless Consonants
A voiced consonant (or sound) means that it uses the vocal cords and they produce a vibration or humming sound in the throat when they are said. Put your finger on your throat and then pronounce the letter L. You will notice a slight vibration in your neck / throat. That is because it is a voiced sound.
A voicedless sound (sometimes called unvoiced sound) is when there is no vibration in your throat and the sound comes from the mouth area. Pronounce the letter P. You will notice how it comes from your mouth (in fact near your lips at the front of your mouth). The P sound doesn't come from your throat.
Try this with the other letters and you will "feel" the difference between a voiced and a voiceless consonant (or sound).
Now we know the difference between voiced and voiceless sounds we can look at the following rules for the correct pronunciation of ED in English:
1. The /id/ sound
If the last letter of the word is spelled with D or T, the ED is pronounced as a separate syllable with an /id/ sound (it rhymes with kid and lid).
  • wanted (sounds like "want-id")
  • waited
  • needed
  • fold
2. The /t/ sound
If the last consonant of the word is voiceless, then the ED is pronounced as a T. Be careful not to create an extra syllable or "id" sound.
  • talked (sounds like "talkt")
  • kissed (the S sound comes from the front of mouth so it would sound like "kisst")
  • parked
  • helped
NOTE: As an example, with the word "helped", if you say "help-id" as a two syllable word, then it is very likely that people will NOT understand the word or what you are saying. (It is pronounced like "helpt")
3. The /d/ sound
If the last letter of the words ends in a voiced consonant (or sound), then the ED is pronounced like a D (without creating another syllable)
  • played (sounds like "playd")
  • closed (the S sounds like a vibrating Z so the word would sound like "clozd")
  • opened
  • lived
An easy way to remember how to pronounce ED words
The most important thing to remember is that there are two main divisions:
1.   The words that end in T or D
- the ED is pronounced as a syllable /id/
2.   and the REST of the words
- you can pronounce the ED as /t/ and people will understand.
In time you will learn when to pronounce the ED as /t/ or /d/.